Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Saturday, 20 May 2017

#ProjectYou 21 Day Accountability Group (June 5th)

If you have been trying to get a handle on healthy living but find it so hard to get a grasp on it then this will be the right group for you! This group features something a little different than our previous groups! Along with hundreds if other coaches running many similar groups at the same time we will all be focusing on a total body reset starting with the 3 day refresh.
This 3-day program of specially formulated shakes, easy-to-prepare clean meals, and healthy snacks has been scientifically designed to help you break the cycle of bad eating habits, lose weight, detoxify your body, and dramatically improve the way you feel without starving yourself!

The following week (Week 2) Shaun T is launching Shaun Week: Intense Focus! This is a seven-day, intensive, full-body boot camp developed by Shaun T to motivate you to dig deeper than you ever thought possible. Expect to be challenged, wiped out, and totally reinvigorated with cardio, intense strength conditioning, abs/core, and lots and lots of sweat. Shaun will tear you down, but build you back up better than before. ( don't worry there are modifiers or other programs that you can challenge yourself with if Shaun isn't your thing) If you liked T25, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs then you def don't want to miss this!
The week after that (week 3) you can play around to figure out the All Access to see all the programs and what will work best for you to continue on your journey. We will still have daily check ins and different coach posts throughout the remainder of the group as well!
All through this group you will be provided with health, fitness and self care ideas to help you create a LONG TERM lifestyle rather than just a quick fix to really get you creating your life by design, reaching your goals and loving yourself!
There are a few different options to join this group so comment below, send me a personal message via FB or IG (Contact info posted below) or follow this to the REQUEST INFO ON UPCOMING CHALLENGE GROUP page where you will put your email and name and I will send you an email within 24-48 hours ( currently have just a week old babe in the house lol so I will get to them asap!)
*Note- if you drop your email be sure to watch your spam/junk/promo folders as sometimes my emails end up there 😜
Don't hesitate to jump aboard and get your health on track! Whether its just 5, 10, 50+lbs we all NEED to START somewhere!
There are 🌟6 SPOTS LEFT🌟

Need A Coach?
I would be honored to be your coach if you currently aren't working with one or haven't been in contact with yours. Just click here to find out how to make me your wellness coach today! 


Email Me: allinfitness55@gmail.com
Connect on: Facebook: fb.com/KristieSereda
Instagram: @LiveYourPassionKS


Saturday, 6 May 2017

Why Should Women Weight Train?

I don't know about you but I used to be TERRIFIED to strength train! There were all these myths about women and lifting. It will make you bulky, once you start lifting you can't stop or it will all turn back to fat, it will wreck your body- have you heard those too?

Well its all BULL! Lifting weights does nothing like that but rather it helps you live happier and healthier in a stronger bod!

Depending on your goals cardio, pilates or yoga all have their spots in your routine however weight training should be added in as it will def help you reach your goals and quite possibly help you reach them faster!

Here is why!

1. Burn Fat More Effectively

The biggest advantage to weight training is it helps your body burn fat on a regular basis! I don't know if you heard about HIIT training which does something similar. After a weight lifting sesh you continue to consume additional oxygen throughout the rest of the day and even following days. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. If you did some weight training today before ready this you are still continuing to burn calories!

2. More Muscle Gains = More Calorie Burn

Your body uses calories more efficiently when you have have more lean muscle mass.  The more muscle contractions you experience during a day, the more calories you'll burn. If you have more lean muscle mass, you'll have more muscle contractions and thus burn more calories.

3. Body Shape

Who doesn't love curves? Most women would love to have an hour glass figure but if all they do is cardio or endurance training they will lose weight for sure. That weight can come in the form of fat and of muscle tissue. If that is the case, it is best to add strength training in as it will help you gain lean muscle mass in order to get that awesome hour glass figure back.

4. Better Sleep!

Ok Mama's this one is for you! Who wouldn't love to fall asleep faster and more deeply? (I know sometimes it is hard to do that with babies or toddlers) BUT listen up anyways! 

A study published in the International SportMed Journal suggests that morning resistance training or high intensity training greatly affects the quality of sleep and lengthens the time of sleep the night after training. 

5. Energy Boost

A study published by the National Institute of Health suggests that the chronic increase in energy expenditure, even after a minimal resistance training session, may favorably affect energy balance and fat oxidation. This results in boosting your energy! Feeling sluggish this afternoon. Grab a dumbbell and add a quick sesh in! 

6. Helps Ye ol Ticker

 Does bad heart health run in your family? Lifting weights is known to reduce the risk of heart disease.  A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that those who lift weights are less likely have heart disease risk factors such as a large waist circumference, high triglycerides, elevated blood pressure, and elevated glucose levels.

7. Bone Health

Aging causes so many AWESOME things to happen to our bodies and one is the loss of bone and muscle mass. Mainly women who have gone through menopause are at greater risk for osteoporosis due to the body no longer secreting estrogen. Weight training is a great way to decrease the risk! 

8. Less Stress

Any exercise is a great way to relieve stress. It is proven that those who lifting regularly are better at managing stress. It is also proven that older adults who lift have a better memory. Moderate weight training helps improve memory and cognitive function! 

In conclusion it is SUPER important to include resistance/strength/weight training into your regular routine! Whether it is using your own body weight, machines, dumbbells and barbells or resistance bands! It is ALSO super important for older adults to include this part of exercise into their daily routines and shouldn't be scared of it!! 

Need some help figuring out what the best route would be for you? I would be happy to help! 

Just leave a comment below or you can send me an email at allinfitness55@gmail.com. 


Monday, 1 May 2017

Beginner Tips for Strength Training!

I honestly used to be TERRIFIED at the thought of weight training. I didn't know anything about it and honestly felt really intimidated. It wasn't until I started Body Beast in the comfort of my own home with Beachbody Super Trainer Sagi Kalev, to help me realize that I am capable of lifting weights! 

After doing that program I started to do more research about women and weight training and am now pretty confident to lift! I am planning on doing another round of Body Beast in the fall! I would love if you joined me! 

Here are some tips to get you started!

1. Use your own body weight to start!

Strength training means using resistance to create work for your muscles. So if you get scared away (like I did) from using bars, dumbbells, those big crazy machines that seem super complex, there are lots of other ways to create resistance that use minimal equipment (chin up bar, resistance bands etc) to no equipment at all (squats, pushups etc) 

2. How many days should you weight lift to start out?

Ideally you should strength train 3-5 days per week but to start just go with 2 days so you don't shock your body. Cardio is just as important so be sure to continue on with cardio the other days as well. 


If is SO important to prep those muscles before you start EVERY TIME. Not only for strength training but for any type of exercise. You can utilize a foam roller to wake the muscles up and then find a 5 minute warm up routine to do. 

4. Don't focus on one muscle group.

You might see hardcore builders or trainers talk about "leg day" or "chest day" but in all honesty they work out everyday. For you just starting out with a couple days a week, you will get a better workout and maximize your caloric burn and muscles each session. This also allows the upper body to rest while the lower body works and so on during each set. 

Examples: Mountain Climbers + Bench Rows
                  Squats + Push-Ups
                  Walking Lunges + Lat Pull Downs
                  Bulgarian Split Squats + Incline Push-ups

5. How long should you work out each session?

Best would be to aim for 15 reps with 3 sets per exercise. Example. Start with 15 reps of Mountain climbers then give your body a quick 20 sec rest then 15 reps of the Bench Rows with another rest once you are completed. That counts as 1 set. Then repeat. To start your weight training session should be about 20 mins and to work up from there. 

6. What is the right amount of weight?

Each exercise will be different depending on your ability. Go for weight that feels heavy enough to challenge you but not to heavy that you will be struggling and totally effing up your form. PROPER FORM IS KEY! You should feel like your muscles were worked to the max after your 15 reps. If you are just whizzing through those reps and barely need a rest after then you should up those weights. 
*Rule of thumb- Lower body should use more weight than upper body. 


It is just as important to stretch and cooldown after your session as it is before to really help those muscles. 

8. Be sure to drink plenty of water and refuel that bod. 

Like during and after any exercising your body needs to be replenished! Be sure to have a post workout snack. Carbs are good to replenish the glycogen stores main fuel sorce as well as the proper phytonutrients and proteins to help repair torn muscles (which will also help reduce soreness) I also go for my Pre and Post workout drinks that are derived from natural products and even safe for pregnancy! You can check what I use by clicking HERE

This should start you off! You can send me a message if you would like more info or even an accountability partner to help you on the right track! Comment below or you can send me an email at allinfitness55@gmail.com! 

Look forward to chatting with you! 
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