Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Friday 5 October 2018

Living the Busy Life Community

Who's busy? HA that is a silly question.. WE ARE ALL LIVING THE BUSY LIFE. Right? 

No really though. Can you think of a time you were NOT busy??? Ya we you were like 5 right? 

Point being: BUSY is the excuse of everything. Too busy to call your friends, too busy to do the things that ACTUALLY makes you happy, too busy to take care of yourselves, too busy too busy too busy! 

Think back to a time someone asked you how you are. What was your response? "I am good. We are just soo busy like always" < that is usually my response. Now, at least I KNOW how to fill my life with the things I love that keep me busy, my response has changed to, "I am good! We are busy but loving life!" 

Are you happy with how busy you are or are you feeling:

That is usually a sign that you are just going through the motions. You aren't REALLY living. Success in a busy life looks like check marks on a to do list. Now, don't get me wrong I LOVE the sense of accomplishment by checking off items on my to do list. 

Having a FULL life might not seem that different than a busy life but it is. 

A full life is:

You are filling your life with the things that make you feel joy. 

So how do we get there. How do we go from busy busy busy to filling our lives with things we LOVE and that make us want to live happier healthier lives.

I am inviting you to join my Living the Busy Life Wellness community. A place where busy mamas or just busy women in general can connect, learn and get on their way to living the full life rather than the busy life. 

There will be info on Meal Prep & Planning (#Livingthebusylife), creating a healthier mindset, how to get moving even when there really is no time (or so you think) in the day and more. My Ultimate goal is to provide you with the tools you need to cultivate a LIFE LONG LASTING healthy & full life all around!
In this group there will be a TON of resources, meal prep ideas, understanding the WHY behind clean eating,moving daily, meal prepping and planning, sharing of recipes, tips and tricks for sustainable healthy eating and living and tools to help you on your journey.

The first week of each month (other than october) will be a DIFFERENT FREE challenge run within THIS group! The other three weeks, there will be some information and motivation posted for SURE... but the real magic will happen 1 x per month.
Everyone is on a different journey to wellness, vitality and ultimately the best version of you so don't be playing the comparison game it won't get you anywhere.

I am SUPER pumped to be on this journey with you and part of your learning and thankful that I can share what I have learned and what inspires and motivates me as well.

This is really gonna be WICKED ladies!! Be sure to add a friend to join in the fun.


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