Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Thursday 14 November 2019


It was World Kindness Day Yesterday and how many of you knew that? We seem to know when National Donut Day, or World Bring Your Cat to Work Day is <--- I don't know if that is a real thing but you get the jist right? LOL.

I personally don’t know why we can't focus on Kindness EVERYDAY but I understand there are just some people out there who:
-> blame all their problems on everyone else, I was one of them 🙋🏼‍♀️
-> judge others because they are jealous and unhappy with themselves 🙋🏼‍♀️
-> are selfish and don’t want to be bothered with other people’s problems 🙋🏼‍♀️
-> assume they are better than others because of the materialistic things they possess

Those are the ones I know all to well because I was all those people. I used to be so unhappy with myself that I created this terrible mindset about myself and other people.

--> No matter what, YOU are responsible for how things work out in your life, from sleeping in to messing up on an exam question to losing out on something huge. You can always find something/someone to blame to make yourself feel better but when it comes down to it, taking ownership is actually freeing and allows you to learn from past mistakes PLUS taking ownership of your shit is just THE RIGHT THING TO DO and it will set you apart all the other wingnuts in this world who are constantly pooping on other people. #sorrynotsorry lol.

--> judgement is actually looking through a mirror and really, you are judging yourself. Why should an innocent someone be judged for anything if YOU aren’t happy with yourself 👆🏽 that kind of goes along with take ownership part. 1.If you don't know the person's story what gives you the right to make assumptions about them. If you don't have anything nice to say or even if you are joking around and being sarcastic don't say anything at all, you never know how it will make that person feel.

--> God isn’t selfish, Jesus gave his own life so that we could wage war, discriminate, be unloving towards each other? No, actually so we could love one another as we would like to be loved and that isn’t just for people of the same race or social statues. Stop being so selfish and think about all the things you have and what you CAN get rid of to help those who are not as fortunate as you. Also everyone has the same 24hrs in a day and there are people out there who have no one to talk to, why not volunteer to be a friend in the old folks home, hospital, prison, soup kitchen, shelter. Everyone, no matter what they have done has the ability to change if there are people who care enough to show them how. Be that person.

--> most people strive to have all the newest technology, the latest fashion, and all the things but did you feel satisfied or fulfilled after you got all those things? So why think you are better than others because you have the latest iphone and Susan has a flip phone? We are in this silly new age of materialistic and technology and it is RUINING our lives. Stop being a weenie and get to know people before you make assumptions.

The moral of this story.... in the words of Ellen Degeneres: "Be Kind to One Another".

Your challenge for this holiday season


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