Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Thursday 27 June 2019

Throwback Thursday

A little transformation pic today because the last 2 months I have been struggling mentally and usually one thing spirals into all areas of my life: my confidence, love for myself, what my husband thinks of me, etc and so this is more so for me. To remind myself (and you if you need to hear it) that life is messy and scary AF and shit happens but it won't hold us down. At least not for long. If you listened to my stories on IG I shared that even though I have been struggling the last couple months it has been very transforming. I have had a couple weeks where I physically couldn’t eat (not healthy AT ALL and I really don't suggest starting your weightless journey that way) but it almost kickstarted me back into routine. Losing 10lbs in just over a week isn't that awesome and 100% NOT HEALTHY or realistic and on top of that I was still working out, getting light headed often and cranky AF. (Find me on IG here.)

 The thing with anxiety is we lose our rational thinking brain. Like wtf was I thinking when I look back on that. I was physically sick to my stomach I just couldn't keep anything down. Most of the time when people struggle a long time with mental illness (depression and anxiety especially)  they will start to have smaller system failures because living in that chronic state of running off our emotions causes all our blood to go to the major organs instead and nothing else. Cray right?t
These two pictures are 14 months apart.I am sharing these too because at the point in my journey 14 months ago I already crushed many goals and toned up from where I had been.  The left I was pumped! I felt great I was just finishing my first round of an intense weight training program called 80 Day Obsession and I was toning up and felt completely badass. The right was 2 days ago. I have done many programs in between this time but I also had many days eating out, hormonal issues that have been causing SO MUCH STRESS, all the shit I am now digging up and dealing with and I could have easily used any of those as excuses to just CONTINUE down the 'feeling sorry for myself-why don't I just give up' path. BUT I DID NOT. Because I used to be a quitter but I am choosing to fight my battles now and not run from them. 
My workouts aren't amazing every single day, my nutrition isn't 100% because food is life lets be real, and I don't feel it lots of the time BUT if I gave up when things were hard af then what is the point to any of this? 

The struggle is real girlfriend. I feel you 100% but if you want to truly feel good in your own skin, if you have a burning desire to live your best life, if you want to create a healthy lifestyle that your kids, husband, family can follow as well then it will be so worth it. Right?!

I have felt so shitty this last 2 months, I didn't like looking at myself in the mirror, my deep hidden insecurities that I tried to just push down and pretend I didn't have all came back up, my confidence was failing, I had zero self love because of the lies my inner mean girl was telling me and I couldn't see the joy and spark in my eyes anymore which legit scared me.

Who was I? What was happening to me?

Anxiety is a result of fear and fear is an Effing liar! 
The devil, bad juju, whatever you believe is always at work but if we truly believe in ourselves we can stop him dead in his tracks. 
This shit takes work my friends. All those fitness gurus on Social you see don't (surprisingly) look like that all year long and no-one was born like that. They MAKE THE CHOICE to understand nutrition and to workout and to surround themselves with positive influences to keep their minds filled with all the high vibes. They put forth the effort in training their brains to fight the battles that go on and ok, no one is perfect but you aren't just going to wake up one day and be like " well, I had enough anxiety for my life. Thats it. NO more!" Umm no, its science and will keep coming back if you struggle with it, but what changes is the WAY we handle that shit. It is an on going, life long learning process. 
Still with me? 

We all start beginners. Some decide that is where they want to stay and just live mediocre lives while others choose to be better than they were yesterday. They know they are made for more and they effing PROVE it by showing up among the shit and fighting for it. Making little choices every single day that will compact over time and help them be their best selves.  HECK YA? HECK YES!
So don't compare yourself to someone else story. Compare yourself to the YOU from yesterday, you from 6 months ago, you from 10 years ago and always be better than you were yesterday. <3 

July is fast approaching and I have 5 spots still available in my online mentoring bootcamp.

 We have:
>>Netflix of fitness programs to keep you on your toes and always uping your game,
>>Nutrition guides that help you get started in creating healthy habits that will be sustainable to your over all life,
>>Weekly mentoring calls with me if you so choose,
>> A monthly meal plan that you can easily adapt,
>> a Badass tribe of like minded women who are all just learning to live our best lives and do this thing together <3 
and more! 

Apply HERE for more info! 

If you felt this please share the love, comment your thoughts below and share with others who could benefit. To pin just click on the pictures :) 


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