Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Thursday 24 January 2019

High Protein, High Fat, Low Carb Diets.

Which is better... high fat or high carbs or high protein?

You may have contemplated this at one point or another…

Not one diet is better than the other for all people, at any point in their life, under all circumstances.

Let’s look at some healthy people from around the globe:

-->Arctic Inuit and African Masai eat traditional diets that are very high in fat and animal products with very few vegetables.
-->Kitavans in the South Pacific eat traditional diets that are low in fat but very high in vegetables and starchy carbs.
-->Tokelau near New Zealand eat traditional diets that are very high in saturated fats.

So which group of people is healthier? They are all relatively healthy with low incidences of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, etc.

How is this possible?

Because humans have evolved to do well under all sorts of dietary conditions. The human body is amazingly adaptable to many different situations. It is possible to be healthy and fit whether you eat high carbs, high fats, or high proteins.

A common theme among “healthy” people is that they all take health and fitness seriously, monitor the results of dietary choices, and adjust as necessary. They create a SUSTAINABLE routine that they can follow daily and not be thinking about what this piece of cake will do to their hips if they eat it. 

Food is fuel. Food is medicine. Food is delicious <3

The key is to simply pay better attention to what you eat and how the foods make YOU feel and look right now because everyone is different!

The best diet is the one that works for YOU!

It is sustainable and it makes you feel good, function well, and look good.

Don't do a low carb diet. Don't do a low fat diet.

Do a low crap-food diet.

The problem is most people get caught up in these fad diets and only wanting to lose weight but not really paying attention to how to maintain it afterwards. I found success in the nutrition plans that go along with my at home workouts. They are carefully designed with every type of person in mind and they are adaptable to YOUR lifestyle. It is the same one that I have been using now for the last 3.5 years and has helped me lose 1st baby weight, keep me eating a balanced diet throughout 2nd pregnancy, and help me get back to myself again post baby. All together I have lost 87lbs. On top of that I also do easy to follow at home workouts.

HEALTHY NUTRITION + ACTIVE + SUPPORT= Sustainable results <3

If you have a terrible relationship with food and need to just focus on that first there is a NUTRITION only program available. Designed and led by a registered Dietitian, you will learn how to mend your relationship with food and your body, plus stop the food anxiety and learn to properly set up your plate with the proper portions and learn how to incorporate treats without the guilt.

To learn more about that you can check it out here

If you are ready to get started on your journey with either nutrition or both fill out this form below to get in on our Monthly VIRTUAL bootcamps!


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