Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Saturday 30 July 2016

Country Heat~What's that all about?

Are you a lover of country music?
Do you like to get your groove on?
Looking to workout but the thought of "hard work" has you running the other direction?
Need fun workouts?

No matter your reasons whether you are looking to maintain, to tone, to lose, to get active- this may be the program for you! I want to share this amazing program with you so bare with me as there is lots to share because it is SO WICKED.

Want in on our test group August 22nd? 
Registration is now *OPEN*

Beachbody launched a BRAND NEW fitness program July 28th and it is TOTALLY KICKASS! I was so beyond excited for this program because I LOVE line dancing and country music. The thing about this program is you DON'T need to know how to dance, you DON'T need rhythm or coordination. Autumn walks you through the steps and makes it really simple and fun! IT IS AMAZINGLY FUN!!!


Country Heat is set to the hottest country hits. JoDee Messina even recorded an exclusive song for this program! There is NO CHOREOGRAPHY to remember, just follow along for the 30 minute workout!  This program is high energy, low impact dance workout that is super fun and easy to follow. Autumn Calabrese created this program and has also created the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Co Creator of Hammer and Chisel, author of the Fixate cookbook, mom and bikini competitor.  I have yet to do a live workout with her but I will one day! My friends who have says she is just as amazing and motivating in person as she is in her programs. 

There are 5 high energy, cardio based dance workouts, 1 dance conditioning workout, and the portion controlled eating plan! 

Who is Country Heat For?

Are you ready for this?? ANYONE! Whether you are a beginner, 21 day fix grad, pro dancer, football player, advanced in your fitness or ready for something fun and different to mix up your fitness regime. It is great for all ages and fitness levels. People who like Zumba or love to dance, people who want to lose weight and are looking for results in 30 days.  People who generally don't like to exercise or who want a lifestyle change, but aren't sure where to begin! 

 Does this sound like you? 

 This workout is great for people who have tried and failed at complicated "diets" and exercise programs.  It is great because this isn't a "diet"  It's an easy to follow portion control container system and you'll have ME as your coach to guide you every single step of the way! I don't know 'bout you but lots of the times I've attempted to start programs on my own I NEVER stuck with it.  You will learn how to properly fill the containers and what to eat. I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and stick with the workouts from beginning to end.  Plus the workouts are fun and you don't even know you are working out. Totally kick ass right?

  I encourage everyone to do at least 2-3 rounds of the program. Just another reason why I LOVE this program. You can finish 1 round and start your next round the NEXT day!  The reason is that in the first 30 days you are just learning and getting into the swing of things. You are getting a good handle on your nutrition and understanding how the portion controlled containers work. Into your second month you will be able to focus are really getting the workouts down plus your nutrition will be on point. Your third round you will just be a total pro!

This program is great for those that like to dance but are intimidated by choreography. EEEEEK SO EXCITED TO START!!!!

Why does line dancing 30 mins a day work? What am I missing here?

It's a fun, easy-to-follow dance workout that ANYONE can do so you are MORE likely to actually stick with it! You'll have so much fun dancing to the hottest country hits you'll barely notice you're dropping pounds and getting a great total-body workout. 

You get 5 dance workouts and 1 dance conditioning workout that are all high energy but low impact- to give you all the calorie burning benefits of a great cardio workout while using every muscle in your body to fire up that metabolism. 
NO silly moves no one can do. NO weights. NO equipment! 
It is so hard to stick to an eating program when you feel deprived of the foods you love so including the portion-control containers to help you lose weight while still enjoying your favorite foods is perfect. We all know fitness + staying active = kick ass results right!? 

Gone are the days where you have to avoid going out with friends or family, counting calories, diets and pills! 

Autumn's easy-to-use Eating Plan shows you how to use your portion-control containers to create easy, delicious recipes— with foods that actually taste delicious—in the right portions to reach your goals.

I love this program so much already that I've decided to walk a group of people through the WHOLE program in our team's COUNTRY HEAT THROWDOWN test group we are running August 22nd. We are only accepting a select few for our first group so we can focus on YOU and make it personal and help you reach your goals. There will be meal planning and prep tips, recipes that work with the containers as well as with the whole family, prizes, motivation, accountability & support to really ROCK the SOCKS off this program y'all!
The people in the test group are getting incredible results.This is really amazing!

Apply Here----->>> http://bit.ly/FitCountryHeat 

What Do I Get With the Program?

  • 6 workouts on 3 DVD's that are 30 mins or less
  • 7 colour-coded portion control containers to really help you dial in your nutrition & efficiently portion out your servings
  • The Country Heat nutrtion plan- an easy to follow guide complete with tips, recipes & more to help you get the best results
  • Quickstart Guide- This is a simple 3 step guide that preps you for your fitness journey by giving you the info on the nutrition plan and workouts
  • 30 Day Calendar so that you know exactly what workouts to do in what order to maximize your results
  • 30 Day supply of Shakeology in a flavour of your choosing. ( my favs are chocolate, cafe latte, and tropical strawberry) **NOTE-Cafe Latte is currently only available to US residents
  • When you purchase the challenge pack you get access to Country Heat On Demand which means unlimited access to stream Country Heat and all the other workouts to any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device allowing you to start your workouts the minute you make your purchase and test out any other programs you would like as well!
  • If you opt in to get Country Heat Kickstart you will then get the 3 Day Refresh as well to help maximize your results ( shown in picture below)
  • If you become part of our challenge groups there will also be prizes for participation- Why? Because I can!

Sound like something you may be interested in?

You can get it right here from me. Plus gain access to my exclusive test group starting August 22nd with prep week to start August 15th. You can get personal, 24/7 mentoring, guidance and support from me and my awesome team in a closed online accountability and support group!  I am going to walk you through the entire program from beginning to end (30 days).  I will teach you how to make the most of the nutrition plan, how to choose healthier snacks, create healthy new habits, and make this a permanent lifestyle.  
Again, there are no diets here!

I will be there to support, motivate, listen, hold you accountable and give ya a little kick in the arse from time to time if you need it *Wink wink*

Follow this link to join our challenge group:

For the challenge packs you can check out these links or please email me to get started!

Stay awesome friends and remember to always 

Kristie XO


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