Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Friday 15 July 2016

How Weeding the Garden Applies to Our Lives

"A Negative Mind Won't Lead To A Positive Life." 

I did a Live Facebook Video on my FB PAGE this morning but decided I will write about it here too! 

I was out weeding my garden last Sunday, down in the dirt for hours it felt like, when I had a crazy lightbulb moment! 


I came about halfway into my bean row when I came to a small dinky little plant that I almost yanked because it honestly looked like a weed. All around it was weeds and thistles. I must have missed it every week allowing the weeds to just overtake the poor little gapher! 

The next plant was big and blooming nicely! There were few weeds around it. Why was this one doing so well when that other one was so pathetic looking? 

Well, here is the deal folks.. 

I made sure the weeds didn't over run it. I made sure they wouldn't suck up all the goodness for the bean plant, while the other one, wasn't so lucky. 

How does this compare to our lives? 

We are the bean plants and think of the weeds as ALL the negativity; negative actions, negative people, negative thoughts. toxic relationships.
What happens to us when all the negativity creeps up? 

It drags us down! It doesn't allow for growth! It holds us back from reaching our goals and dreams! 
Good things come around and we miss those chances do to lack of confidence, lack of support, lack of trust.


Once we "weed" out the negative we allow ourselves to soak up ALL the nutrients that life has to offer. We will start to thrive! We will start blooming and spreading all the GOOD that we have to offer! 

That is my thought for the day! 

If you liked it and agree with it, I would love if you shared it to your social media!

Until next time, 

Stay Awesome and Always Remember LIVE YOUR PASSION!

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