Rising up together to live HAPPY- HEALTHY- PURPOSEFUL Lives

Thursday 14 December 2017


It's the most wonderful time of year if you ask me! Today is THE day most of us have been waiting for! The 80 Day Obsession packs are available in US, CAN and UK!!

If you aren't sure what I am talking about check out what the heck 80 Day Obsession is about here: 80 Day Obsession.

This hot new program isn't about becoming obsessed with working out, what you look like and becoming a nutrition nut -- It IS about seeing YOURSELF AS A PRIORITY. 
How many have you put yourselves on the back burner and it's all about the kids and everyone else? 

It's normal but it shouldn't be! Your family, your friends and everyone around you will be the happiest if YOU are happy and taking some time for yourself. Seriously y'all, I only had a little taste of this program during the sneak peeks but I am SO freaking excited for it to start January 15th! 
I know it will help transform your mind, your body and help you realize that you ARE capable of getting out of whatever rut you are in and achieving some life changing results.

Here are some bullet points about the program as a refresher: 
  • Autumn really helps guide you through this program as it focuses on your abs and booty. Even if you have weight to lose you are going to shed lbs, tone your WHOLE body and build lean muscle. (I don't know about you but I have a trip to Mexico coming up in April and am looking forward to wearing a Bikini again after 2 babies) 
  • There are 3 phases in this program over the course of 13 weeks with Sundays off
  • The workouts will range of 45-60mins and like ALL our programs there is a modifier
  • Autumn introduces timed nutrition which is a macro-nutrient plan that is timed to produce amazing results

My 80 Day Obsession Accountability Group is set to start with workouts January 15th. I will be there to help you with designing meal plans, the timed nutrition, sticking to your workouts, troubleshooting and of course FOCUSING ON YOU! 

Fill out the application below this article to RESERVE YOUR SPOT! 

This program doesn't officially load into the Beachbody on Demand library until January 15th but you can prepare and get your package starting December 14th. You will have access to the nutrition guide (your timed nutrition) January 8th to be ready for prep week. Unlike most of our programs, 80 Day Obsession will NOT launch on DVD. It will only be available through streaming on Beachbody on Demand. 

If you are like me, you probably have a MILLION questions regarding 80 Day Obsession. I will be going LIVE in the Test Group event page on Facebook Sunday Dec. 17th at 8:00pm MT (the replay will be loaded onto Youtube) Click HERE to go to the event page and click "Interested" to be notified when I go live. 

I am super excited to be right there alongside you. No, I haven't done the whole program yet but I have friends and fellow coaches who have and am amazed at their transformations.  I myself, have been through ALOT of programs so I can share my tips and tricks for how I've been able to stick with this new lifestyle for the last 2.5years. 

If you are ready to RESERVE YOUR SPOT in my close knit accountability group go to the bottom of the page to fill out the application. 

Each participant in this group MUST commit to:
  • Showing up daily and participating in the group (there is your accountability part)
  • Following the timed nutrition plan that is set for you and your goals (all the results you see have been when the participants follow the program and nutrtion)
  • Drink your Shakeology daily (I don't care when you drink it but that stuff is FO REAL and you WILL notice results if you continue with it for the duration of this group)
  • I must be assigned to you as your coach 
** HIGHLY recommended is the performance stack Energize and Recover but it isn't mandatory**

This group is my BETA TEST GROUP which means you all who join it will be the FIRST to go through this program! Everyone who goes through has an opportunity to win $500 just for completing the program and submitting your results! (if that isn't an incentive I don't know what is) PLUS you have a chance at being the Beachbody Challenge winner and getting additional money for your transformation. This group is serious biz and I am looking for those who are SERIOUS about changing their habits and rocking this program. We start January 8th for 1 week prep with workouts starting January 15th DAY 1. Until then, I am creating guides, a hub where you can go to find everything you need and a group! 

I will be running A Little Obsessed group from Dec.20-Dec.25(you can join if you want or follow me on any social media to see what it is like) Dec. 26-Dec. 31 and Jan.2- Jan.6. Anyone can try that first to see what you think and get a little taste of what to expect.. oh ya! the best part IT'S FREE TO TRY! 


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